The journey of Chef Terawaki began in his childhood home located in Copiapo, Chile. It was here that the aroma and tastes of Japanese and Chilean meals merged daily to greet and entice the young chef in waiting. His beloved grandfather Kiyomori Terawaki was a Japanese immigrant married to the beautiful, native Chilean, Severania Pena.
Chef Terawaki fondly recounts, “It was fascinating to see my grandfather cook traditional Japanese dishes while standing beside my grandmother as she prepared the delicious Chilean foods of her childhood.”
Undoubtedly, it was this fusion of aromas, flavors, cultures and love that influenced the culinary talents of Chef Terawaki, who has defined himself as a chef by trade, love and passion.
Chef Terawaki’s career officially began with him earning his Bachelor’s degree in Hotel and Restaurant Management and International Cuisine from the University of INACAP. His path after graduation has been filled with unbelievable opportunities and wonderful journeys.
In 1992 Chef Terawaki was invited to join a cooking show televised on Chilean national television. He quickly became a television favorite and rose to celebrity chef status amongst his many fans.
Chef Terawaki recalls his ten year gig, “It was fun, exciting and challenging. The beauty of the experience was knowing the impact I was having on the other side of the studio cameras. I was making a connection to families and introducing them to flavors, aromas, colors and a completely new culinary experience thru thousands of recipes.”
During this time, Chef Terawaki also shared his culinary and business knowledge as an instructor at INCAP and INCACEA institutes in Santiago, Chile.
Chef Terawaki, much like his beloved grandfather, soon felt the call to leave his home and find new challenges. He set his sights on the United States as the place he would call his new home.
Chef Terawaki recalls a conversation with himself, “Allow yourself to grow and the opportunity of continuing to learn. Why not re-invent myself and discover new paths to follow?”
Chef Terawaki found himself in a new country, learning the language and exploring the various cultures. Of course, the kitchen would be his way in. In 2004 he had the great fortune to join the talented team at Pastry Swan Bakery in Cathedral City, CA. In 2006 he join the corps of instructors at the CA School of Culinary Arts, Le Cordon Bleu in Pasadena, CA. His talent, charm and dedication propelled him into a new position with Le cordon Bleu College in Atlanta, GA, as Externship Coordinator and Career Services Advisor.
Chef Terawaki has also spent two decades as the Consultant Chef for the Chilean Fresh Fruit Association in the United States. The PMA Fresh Summit Show has become an annual love for Chef Terawaki and an opportunity to showcase his culinary creations.
Chef Terawaki has earned many titles over the course of his illustrious career, but one may fit him best..
Chef by Trade, Love and Passion.